Tag: education

  • Teaching fosters better learning

    Few weeks ago I came across a Gujarati movie Dhh whose short description seemed interesting – three students of fifth grade trying to solicit help of magic to pass the exams! Many times I prefer watching a movie in small pieces because committing two hours at a stretch is difficult, and as a software engineer…

  • The Minimum Attendance Requirement

    One day, I was studying for one of my exams, and this thought came to my mind – Why do colleges keep the minimum required attendance level so high? The first answer that comes to anyone’s mind is: Because students bunk classes. Okay, but why do students bunk classes? The reason is simple: Because the…

  • The Flawed Evaluation System

    It’s semester end again at college and we’ve got hell lots of journal-writing work. The journal-writing work is a indespsible part of every semester in Engineering, at least in my University and possibly every other University out there. The general trend in my college, a lot different from others is – A student (usually the…