Tag: nginx

  • Group based HTTP basic authentication using Nginx and MySQL with help of Lua

    Group based HTTP basic authentication using Nginx and MySQL with help of Lua

    Recently I moved from Apache to Nginx on one of my servers due to increase in traffic. But I was using HTTP Basic authentication with group based authorization on Apache in this manner: However, there’s no AuthGroupFile  in nginx. But LUA, a programming language is supported in nginx. So here’s how I used LUA and…

  • Nginx and Metalog

    Metalog is an easily configurable system logger daemon which can be substituted for standard syslogd and klogd. It has one limitation though, that you cannot log to remote machines. It’s very easy to configure Nginx to use Syslog (Metalog, in my case). All you need to do is compile nginx with this syslog plugin. If…